Wednesday, April 7, 2010

and the winner is....

me. this is even better than winning the jumbo tweetie bird at the county fair. when ebay is good for me it is good and when it is is really bad. it seems to go something like this:

fall in love
make an offer
offer stands until the bitter end
5 mins before the bidding closes someone comes in and kills my dream (it doesn't take much) and bids $1.00 more than my highest offer. you know the drill.


Sometimes it goes like this:
fall in love
offer stands until a day before
by the time the bidding is closed it is hundreds more than my piddly offer
this is when you know you were on to something good.

at the end of the day, it is just a little twinkle in the eye and really just an object that won't go on to the next life..or maybe it will be there waiting for me.


Ivy Lane said...

I "won" some wonderful waterford crystal salt and pepper shakers.. 2 days of Ebay drama!!! and ..the Christopher Radko ornament I "won"...almost had to whip out a pistol for it!!!! :) Love your seascape!

24 Corners said...

Congratulations...sometimes the thrill of the win is just as good as the prize...*sometimes*...your prize, is adorable!

brock street said...

yeah to winning. although it is not the lottery (i do buy tickets randomly) it did give me that buzz and thrill that we all know.
the charming thing about this is that it was painted in 1910 by an east coast artist and it is only 7" x 9". charm all around.
have a great day....