23 offers later and some lucky folks landed a little piece of heaven in SF. we didn't get the home and i'm a bit bummed. you know, the "making an offer" process gets your emotions a bit wrapped up. i keep making the mistake of conjuring up grand plans and idea's.
the unfortunate thing is these homes we are making offers on keep selling for hundreds of thousands above asking price. what gives in sf?
i've been told something better is out there waiting. so, we will wait.
Aw, so sorry to hear. That bites but, if things happen for a reason, then the prize just awaits. I feel bummed for ya's though. :(
your perfect gem is right around the corner... xo
Truly sorry it didn't work out...cheer up though, the home of your dreams is waiting for you somewhere and it's just a matter of time before you are united together in domestic bliss. Hang in there....
You are not the only one who gets emotionally invested when making an offer on a house. Getting pulled in is the first step... otherwise it is too hard to do all the stuff you need to do to get the house.
You haven't found the right one yet. It will come.
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