i received this book as a gift from our real estate agent after i referred a co-worker to him. he is an amazing guy and with all the time we spent with him...well, we consider him sf family. (props to you jay m).
this is one of those books that you tend to look at over and over again....it actually "lives" on the kitchen table and has perched itself there for over a month now. it is my escape from the chaos of everyday life.....and i must pick it up 3 or 4 times a week when i need that mindless, gazing fix. it works every time...totally transports me into her world and love for textures, prints, fonts and basically all things old.
sibella court, the author of the book, tugged at my heart strings with her personal story and as you walk through her book, you immediately realize her gift of making old feel new and fresh.
all images taken from ETCETERA etc, by sibella court
You guys are the best....I miss taking you around to look at properties!
The place looks great....can't wait
you've convinced me to run out and get this book...
OH! How I love a book like that! I must get one for mself~! Thank you for sharing !
Have a pretty day!
I just googled her and I'm completely blown away! Amazing creativity...days and days of wonder to look at, I'll have to find the book. Such great 'keep it going' inspiration. xo J~
Oh, I think I need this book, too! Thanks for sharing!
LOVE... xx
i think you better all hurry up..there is going to be a mad rush to the bookstore for this gem. ha!!
hope you all enjoy this one as much as i do...
so, wondering if any of you took the plunge and purchased this gem...or could you find it?
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