if you have been to san francisco you know there are only a handful of other cities in the world with such a diverse and constant collection of architecture. literally, within a one block radius i can see myself living in 90% of the homes........ each one is unique in its own special way and most in my neighborhood were here before the 1906 big earthquake. oldies but goodies.
we are not heading up to the cabin this am as we have a b-day party, so i decided to bring the camera along during b-mo's morning walk.
here are 2 of my favorite front doors in the block radius....more to come too. i think we all have a bit of obsession with front doors..they say so much about the experience of the home, they are similar to a great smile when greeting someone.
You live in such a beautiful neighborhood...lovely, historic eye candy everywhere! Love the doors in the second image...and there's two of them to boot!
Enjoy your weekend...
xo J~
love the fret work in the first pic... nice to see sunshine! cold and snowy here! Have a wonderful Sunday!
You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful city rich in wonderful architecture. I love, love, love SF. Loving door number one. Would love to be able to peak inside!
These are so pretty. We lived in the Sacramento area for several years and would go to San Francisco quite often. Absolutely love the architecture there!
Feel free to strut BMo over to 24th and Harrison for a smooch on his cute little head any day of the week.
i love your blog...i just booked a ticket to san fran,
what cool stores would you recommend, especially
antique shops. are there any neat weekend markets?
anyway, i just love your aesthetic, as it is very similiar to mine. any suggestions(favorite restaurants, shops) would be appreciated... i have even blogged about you.
my blog is www.warrenandlove.blogspot.com and my store is www.fireflyga.blogspot.com best, nan
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