i'm revived for a moment and thought i would do what i needed to do.....post something, anything. i have been in an inspiration slump of late. mostly due to the taxing reality that mon-friday brings. the routine seems to have taken a sharp turn, completely bypassing the inner "wanting" to be creative self.
i happened to have a weekend to myself out at hillside, with the grand goal of painting the front guest room floor. well, i did it...i achieved 2 coats of paint application (will post results tomorrow or the next day). aside from that i ended up eating lots of good bad food, drinking drinks i never drink (but love) and taking long walks with mo in the sunshine, while hoping he hasn't lifted his leg near or on poison oak.
the rains came in late this morning, so i decided to take a few photo's, do another load of laundry, clean up and head back to the apt. luckily, a few of the dozens of photo's i took actually made the final cut (thank god for digital...i delete more than i could ever admit).
happy sunday evening all, or monday morning or whatever day this post reaches you. since i am home alone for 2 plus weeks, i'm having a friend over for a no meat meal tonight.
ps. b-mo misses you loops
ahhh, a little time alone. sounds divine.
loved these two photos; especially the composition in the second. you always do that so well.
we will make your friend a hat... if he wants one.
so good chatting today... love you friend... xoxo
hi donna-
you need a trip to hillside for some alone time. it might be too alone. last night i got a little spooked when animals were running on the roof at 11am. i thought the big quake was hitting as it was so loud.
i do wish i were a better photographer, but glad you can appreciate the untrained eye :)
red ticking- it was the highlight of my morning...catching up with you.
Hey B...sorry you've been feeling so slumpy, it's weird when that happens isn't it (?)...well your images that survived the cut are wonderful...there's already such a homey, lived in feel to Hillside, it's so you with a rugged twist! Way to go with the floor painting...you probably worked off the 'bad but loved' yummy's doing that...smart!
Hope you had a nice evening and here's to a week filled with inspiring, happy thoughts...you deserve those!
Hi to b-mo (he'll help out the next couple of weeks I'm sure!)
xo J~
btw- we lived without switchplates for ten years prior to tearing our old house down (long story)...be sure to take care of those soon, they can be a bit sparky. ;)
hey you! glad this post got to me this bright sunny morning! Hope you are feeling a bit more spritely today! 2 weeks will come and go in no time! you'll see....
Love your photos!!! and can't wait to see your paint progress..
Hang in friend!!! or is it..Hang On!!! ??
24- thanks for your kind words of encouragement...you always hit the nail on the head with your comments :)
10 years without switch plates? well, i can think of worse conditions indeed, but i will take heed to your warning...we need no sparky's.
hi ivy- so glad you like the shots. i tell ya, it aint always easy to get a clear shot.
i'm gonna post the floors tonight after a conference call with my partners in asia...mama mia.
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