sitting here, thinking of one of the many points of light in my life...and man's best friend emerges on top.
we have had b-mo 5 years now. before he came to us he was in 5 different shelters in southern california....he would get moved to the next shelter right before dr death was able to get him, his name should really be lucky. eventually, someone brought him to san fran (which is a no kill city) and his mug was posted on pet finder....the rest is history.
his favorite color is red. he has fire in his eye and belly.
his name comes from benji, which turned to benjamin mohawk (that is his real hair and his natural mohawk) to benjimo...to b-mo.
he likes apples
he has survived some big fights and is as tough as nails.
he would like to eat vermin and small children (sad, but true)
this post is for anyone who needs a little pick me up...it sure works for me...every dog gone time.
I love B-mo! He's darling! Thanks for sharing these photos of his furry little face. Makes me smile.
Yep, every time you post pics of that pup, I fall in love. He is as cute as they come. Thank you for rescuing him.
wonderful piece. yep. it worked; it picked me up. loved the history behind his name. and his sleepy eyes in that photo....
thanks for that...
B-Mo just made my day. Dogs are the best. Love his furry mug. He's so lucky to have you - I know how much love a rescue can bring to one's life (issues and all). Thanks for B-Mo post. Kiss that little guy for me.
B-mo has definitely made my day!! His scrappy, scruffy, handsome, sweet, and wise beyond his years face, along with his wonderful and funny rap sheet, has produced tears...of the giggling type.
He was obviously meant to be yours, and you his. Please give him a scratch or a rub (or both) in his most favorite place for me.
Thanks for the smiles b-mo & b...
xo J~
He is a cutie. I have two rescued one's of my own and can't imagine the world without them. Thanks for sharing no just your story but the importance of giving these wonderful dogs a chance.
So I'm still recovering from when B-Mo bit me!
And very much still want a relationship. These things take time.
I love his eyes. They are like a window to his soul.
love b-mo... and he has finally found the perfect loving home... xx
What an extraordinary dog! He looks part Norfolk terrier - but I have never seen a dog with a natural Mohawk before... he must march to his own drummer~
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