well, i can barely sit up straight after this weekends cabin face lift, but i am bound and determined to get this post out before dinner is delivered (rainy day = indian delivery + we are too exhausted to think about cooking).
1st series is the creek on our property, it dries up in june/july and they said starts flowing again in november. well...yesterday it was bone dry AND by mid-day today it was flowing AND when we leaving.... it was raging, thanks to the rain blessings (i wish i could record the sound and play for you, so soothing). check out the path that goes to the top of the property.
2nd series...OMGosh, this is the hallway with the door on the left leading into the large bedroom. we decided to remove the single door and put in french doors (they were free from our friends j&l, the remodeled their victorian several years ago and saved these).
so, you can see the wall is gone, but the doorframe is close to being in and then the rest is history.
oops...food is here, gotta run. hope your sunday evening is restful.
Way to go B....posting hungry AND tired...thanks! You have a creek, that is so neat, it's beautiful. And having victorian french doors...I'm a little jealous. They're going to add such special character, can't wait to see them.
Have a great week and hope you won't be too soar in the morning!
xo J~
wonderfully beautiful moss-covered rocks at the creek. loved that shot.
good going at the cabin. I know it feels good to get that work behind you. I wanted to super-size the last shot so I could read that little note on the wall...
Oh, I always spell "sore" wrong...it's just one of those words for me. :/
tickled pink...
24- i know..i forget how blessed we are to have a little pc of pie and with a creek. you must come visit when you are in norcal next. And the free french doors, couldn't get much better. you have a great week yourself.
perfect gray- that is so funny you mention the words on the wall...i meant to photograph all the spots in the house that had that writing...now i am reminded and will do it next weekend just for you.
Awwe, thanks for the invite B., how nice...the same goes for you when you visit the Emerald again.
seems like a little bit o'christmas at hillside!
so happy for you!!!
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