lets get a little personal here..i love the stripes...vertical, horizontal, placed, pin, engineered, ticking....you name it, i like it. i dare you to bring me a stripe i don't like (not including knit polo stripes...those just don't do it for me..unless 2 color..then maybe). well, who really cares anyway :)
this swedish home definitely incorporates the perfect splash of stripes in all the right places. i do feel this room whispering my name.
the owner of this swedish summer home is the marketing director at svenskt tenn.
stripe it baby... h o r i z o n t a l... xx
love, love, love stripes...especially horizontal. beadboard in my mudroom runs horizontally. it is my absolute favorite room!
the stripes make this room look so fresh, don't they...? I'm just getting the courage to work on a little stripe project myself...
Stripe it. Can't improve on stripe. Never tire of stipe. Stripe it is.
mb from Dallas
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