emersonmade is still one of my favorite blogs to visit when i need a pick me up, a shot of sunshine and flirting or just a moment to think of nothing other than a basic observation of, what looks to be the simple life....she continues to woo me. i am addicted to her, almost as much as i am to alice waters and ina.
this is what halloween means to me as a mature (ha, ha), civilized adult. (lol). but really, she evokes the best kind of costume.
happy halloween, i hope you get something sweet. if you are like me, you have got a head start to the holiday bulge...its starts around october 15th when i can't resist the family packs of twix, kitkats, reeses and you know the rest of the story and what halloween can mean to some of us...candy.
i like to say "getting ready for winter and storing up some extra protective fat". it works.
mini kit kats here!!! Happy Hallow's Eve!
words cannot describe how much i love that photo...i agree, emersonmade is fab-u-lous.
and let's not get started on the candy frenzy. you would not believe how much leftover candy we have here. it's horrifying. mainly because i'm such fiend..with very little self-control. can i help it if chocolate goes perfectly with my morning coffee...?
love you!
She is fabulous! The candy is calling me from the kitchen and it is only 11:15!
We have soooo much candy left over! I was telling the little treaters to grab handfuls but we still have a ginormous amount! Want some??
Love the picture...Emerson's blog is a treat in itself...a less fattening one too!
Happy day after and remember..if squirrels can "store up" for winter, then so can we! ;)
I want the basket in that photo so bad. I would figure out a way to fix it to my bike!
i love ina too! have you gotten her new cookbook how easy is that?!
ivy- the kitkats keep on givin...i have to put a stop to it now.
fringe- um, i lets to coffee soon..bring our chocolate :) isn't emerson so delightful.
kayce- you, me and fringe need to do brunch.
24 -no, i cannot have anymore candy. i wish i could barter some with our contractor. :)
crash-i totally get that on a bike too. wouldn't that be awesome. now you have my mind a spinin.
nan- i heard about the new cookbook...it is going on my christmas list. she is a super here.
i limited myself to reese's, butterfinger and york pep pattie... now you have to guess how many of each!!??
actually... i was really good...
love the photo... and i am running over to see emersonmade....
catch the next flight... please... or i will come pick you up! xx
I just had to follow up and let you know that since I discovered your blog a few days ago, I have spent HOURS scrolling through your archives. Thank you for creating such a gem!
Also, I love hearing about your sf apt and adventures in the area-- I'm moving up there in January! Do you have any neighborhoods you would recommend?
hi eliza-
so glad you like looking through this, ever so simple blog.
where are you moving from? a big city, town, west coast, east coast?
i live in the mission district, which i find to be the perfect perch for me. it has the grit of the locals, the urban youth, and the food is amazing and the best in the city.
we also love the mission because it is one of the sunniest hoods in SF. not much fog over here.
there are so many amazing places to live in the city and i would be happy to guide you if you need. let me know what you are looking for in a neighborhood and what you like to do and i will try and point you in the right dirction or at least keep you out of the area's you shouldnt live.
keep me posted.
its a great city. it took me 2 years to fully fall in love, but now i am hooked.
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